What Is Hospice Grief Counseling

Grief is a natural reaction to loss and can have an impact on all aspects of our lives – physically, psychologically, emotionally, and socially. Anger, guilt, and anxiety are all common grief reactions, as can changes in diet or behavior. What is hospice grief counseling?

Hospice Grief Counseling

It’s best not to conceive of grief as a progression. Consider the grieving process to be a roller coaster ride, with ups and downs, highs and lows. Understanding what is “normal” in sorrow allows us to know that others have been through this and found healing.

Typical reactions include:

  • Hunger, nausea, and shortness of breath are all physical symptoms.
  • Sleep and appetite disorders, sobbing, and social seclusion are all behaviors.
  • Sadness, loneliness, heightened irritation, guilt, dread, and relief
  • Disbelief, bewilderment, and compulsive thoughts about the deceased
  • Spiritual reactions include either embracing religious rites or questioning one’s faith.

Although normal sorrow can be a painful process that feels like an emotional roller coaster at times, professional grief support is sometimes required. Some of the “red lights” that indicate the need for professional assistance are as follows:

  • You are “frozen,” unable to recognize any improvement in the depth of your sadness or progress in adjusting to your new situation.
  • To cope, you turn to alcohol, pills, or other narcotics.
  • You are actively contemplating suicide.
  • Your grief is affecting your physical health.
  • The pressures of daily life have you feeling overwhelmed or paralyzed.
  • You are still struggling to grasp the truth of your loss.
  • Feelings of regret and remorse torment you.
  • You feel alone and have no one to turn to.
  • You are pessimistic about the future.
  • Despite the passage of time, you are unable to feel interested or excitement in other things or people.
  • You are troubled by frightening recollections or ideas.
  • You are frequently concerned and disturbed.
  • Anger and anger over the death are affecting your interactions with others.
  • You have the impression that you are falling apart or that your life is spiraling out of control.
  • You discover yourself engaged in unhealthy practices.
  • Others express their concern for you and urge you to get expert help.
  • You believe you require expert assistance.

A call to  Oasis Hospice will connect you to loving, compassionate help, whether you are concerned about yourself or someone you care about.

What to Expect from Individual Grief Counseling

Individual counseling with a grief counselor is advised when the loss is recent, or when sorrow feels overpowering, uncontrollable, or interferes considerably with the capacity to manage day-to-day tasks. Uncertainty and misconceptions about counseling services can create unneeded barriers for many people who could benefit from discussing their issues with a trained bereavement counselor in a confidential context. Knowing what to expect from the start helps reduce unneeded anxiety and makes the process more comfortable and predictable. Get psychological support in palliative care from Oasis Hospice.

Grief counseling is a simple process at Oasis. Our counseling services are provided free of charge thanks to the generosity of community benefactors, removing financial barriers and concerns regarding insurance coverage.

When you call to schedule your initial session with a Oasis grief counselor, you will be given numerous options for appointment times. If you’re looking for services for a kid or adolescent, you’ll be invited to meet with the child’s grief counselor before the child’s first visit. We will request that you complete some regular paperwork before to your first meeting in order to reduce the amount of time spent in the initial session gathering basic information and performing common administrative duties. We may mail you the necessary forms or ask you to arrive a little early to complete them before your appointment time.

During your initial therapy appointment, your bereavement counselor will examine your information with you for a few minutes before addressing your concerns and answering any questions you may have. Your counselor will collaborate with you to define your own counseling goals as well as a plan of action to accomplish your goals and personal requirements.

This plan may include a few more sessions, instruction about what to expect during the mourning process, recommendations to helpful grief resources, coping strategy suggestions, “homework” assignments, or referrals to specialist community services. Art therapy techniques may be recommended as a manner of working toward counseling goals in some circumstances, particularly those involving children or teenagers.

Most people are pleasantly surprised to learn that they may make significant improvement with just a few hour-long sessions. Many people will then join a grieving support group for continuous help. If long-term or specialized assistance are necessary, your counselor will assist you in locating appropriate resources.

It is devastating and tough to live with the death of a loved one. Our grief counseling and support services will help you find your path back to hope and healing.

Our professional counselors, social workers, and trained volunteers assist people of all ages who are bereaved. Our hospice bereavement program offers support to bereaved family members and friends of Oasis Hospice patients. You are not by yourself. We are here to assist you in sharing your emotions, adapting to life’s changes, and thriving in the future with serenity.

Oasis Hospice Bereavement Counseling

Individual and family grief counseling is a free service provided to bereaved families and friends of individuals cared for by Oasis Hospice. This service is available for one year following the loss. Specialized grief counseling is provided by trained, experienced counselors and social workers to persons who have suffered the loss of a loved one. Learn more about What are the different types of hospice support in our another post. Oasis Hospice provide the best hospice support services. You can contact us at 708-564-4838.