Brain Tumor Hospice

Preparing for the end of life, however tough, can help you and your family come to terms with what’s happening. It can also help you regain control over a situation that has been taken away from you.

brain tumor

  • It’s upsetting to learn that you or a loved one is nearing the end of their life. It can elicit a wide range of feelings as well as a slew of queries later on. Planning for things that need to be thought about or put in place before they’re needed, according to research, can aid your family in grieving and coping with grief.
  • Planning ahead allows you to consider practical issues, make crucial decisions, and put things in place so they are out of the way and forgotten about until you need them. You may then spend more time with your family and friends, concentrating on living in the now and on your and their emotions and needs.
  • You may have already considered what you want to happen when you reach the end of your life. This could have happened as part of your Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA) or as part of your Advance Care Plan (ACP). Of course, you can revisit these at any moment and change your mind.
  • This could also be an excellent time to establish arrangements for after you die if you’re ready.
  • Please be aware that the following information may be distressing to read, particularly at this time.
  • Seek assistance.

Our Support and Information staff is available by phone, email, or live chat if you need guidance or someone to talk to after receiving a terminal diagnosis.

What Exactly Is Oasis Hospice Care

Oasis Hospice provides assistance provided to persons in their final months, weeks, days, and hours of life. It is provided as part of palliative care and will be coordinated with your palliative care team. When your condition no longer responds to treatment and you’re projected to die within six months, you’re offered end-of-life care. When to go to hospice for a brain tumor hospice?

It will, however, begin when you require it and continue for as long as you require it, whether that is a few days, weeks, months, or years. Oasis Hospice aims to support and assist you and your family in maintaining a high quality of life until you die. And to assist you in dying with dignity when the time comes.

What Exactly Does Oasis Hospice Care Entail

Everyone’s Oasis hospice will be unique. When planning your Oasis hospice care, your palliative care team should consider your and your family’s needs and wishes. It’s a holistic strategy that supports your and your loved ones’ emotional, social, practical, and spiritual needs, just like palliative care.

When it comes to oasis hospice care, there are a few things you and your loved ones should think about. This could be a good place to start if you don’t already have an Advance Care Plan. Always search for cancer hospice care near me whenever you’re looking for hospice.

Oasis Hospice care’s Emotional Aspects

Accepting the reality of death

People who are nearing the end of their lives are frequently aware of what is going on around them, even if they don’t admit it — at least not overtly. Denial, fear, rage, guilt, anxiety, and depression are just some of the feelings that may arise as a result of this understanding.

It’s critical to remember that there are no right or wrong feelings or reactions. Whether you or a loved one is dealing with a brain tumor, these emotions are totally natural. It’s also common for partners, family members, and friends to begin grieving before a loved one passes away, a process known as anticipatory sorrow. At this time, you and your family will not be alone. You can talk to your healthcare staff, who can explain what’s going on or what’s expected to happen. You can also speak with a counselor or psychotherapist through your palliative care team. You could also talk to others who are in a similar situation, such as in our private online support groups or by calling our Information and Support Line, which will be pleased to listen.

Bringing Up The Subject Of Death

Many people find it difficult to talk about death. Some people enjoy putting on a brave face and pretending that everything is fine, but it may be taxing. When people get beyond the initial hurdle and begin the first chat, they frequently express relief. If you desire, there may be individuals you may talk to about what is happening to you. It’s entirely up to you.

Of course, if the person living with a brain tumor is having communication issues or personality changes, both of which are frequent side effects of brain tumors, this can be made more challenging. In this circumstance, you could talk to your partner about nice recollections and good experiences while they listen. A speech and language therapist may possibly be able to assist you.

Conversing With Your Partner

  • One of the most difficult things to do is talk to your partner. You may not want to upset them, feel like you’re burdening your spouse, or have things you want to say to them but don’t know where or how to begin. It’s possible that your spouse is having trouble as well; they may have grown closer to you or distanced themselves from you. They’re coping with their own feelings and may feel compelled to appear strong and practical in order to help you.
  • Some people believe that talking about death makes it more likely to occur.
  • If at all possible, discuss your feelings openly with each other. Accept your partner’s feelings without judging or arguing — there is no right or incorrect way to feel for either of you.
  • Talking to your loved ones
  • Your family may want to speak with you but are hesitant to do so. This could be because they don’t want to upset you, or it could be because they are hurting as well and are still processing their emotions.
  • If you’re prepared to answer inquiries, letting them know that you’re happy for them to ask whatever they want can assist. You can, however, tell them if you don’t feel like conversing.

Aspects of Oasis Hospice Care That Are Practical

One of the things that people frequently mention as being essential to them is the ability to choose where they will get the oasis hospice care and, ultimately, where they will die.

Your healthcare team should inquire about your desires and arrange accordingly with you and your loved ones. Depending on your requirements and preferences, your care may be provided in a number of different locations. Remember to bring your important documentation with you wherever you receive care, such as your Advance Care Plan (ACP) or a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA).

At home, Dying

  • Most people would like to die in familiar surroundings, such as at home, surrounded by their loved ones. End-of-life and hospice care can often be provided at home in many locations, thus this can typically be arranged.
  • Of course, some caregivers may feel overwhelmed by the stress of caring for a loved one in these situations. If this is how you’re feeling, don’t feel bad about it.
  • You can find out what kind of help is available from your local services by asking your doctor. They may be able to arrange for community nurses to provide nursing care in your home.
  • Community palliative care nurses can come to your home and provide you with expert nursing or personal care. In addition to providing emotional and practical support for you and your loved ones, we can advise you on how to manage pain and other symptoms.
  • You can also request a care needs assessment from your local government, which may be able to offer you equipment or services to help you receive care at home. You can request a carer’s assessment instead if you’re caring for someone at home.

In a Hospice, Dying

Some people are afraid to accept hospice treatment because they perceive it as an indication that they are nearing the end of their lives. Hospices, on the other hand, deal with more than death and dying. Hospices strive to meet all of your needs, as well as those of your loved ones, in a holistic manner. The staff is well-versed in dealing with any symptoms or side effects you may be experiencing. When the time comes, hospice care allows you to die in peace and dignity.

The person with a brain tumor and their loved ones are eligible for free hospice care. They’re usually calmer and homier than a hospital, with more flexible visiting hours. An Oasis Hospice Care service can provide much of the care that hospices provide in the comfort of your own home. You may be allowed to spend your final days in a hospice if your demands are more complex or you require more specialized care. If you’re in the hospital and want to go to a hospice, speak with the palliative care staff. They can tell you if moving to a hospice is an option and help you make plans. This often takes a few days, but it can be expedited.

Hospice care can also be referred by your general practitioner or a community palliative care team. Some hospices will accept self-referrals, but they will need to consult with your doctor to ensure that they can provide the best care. Longer-term residential care is not available in hospices with inpatient units. Someone may be admitted to a hospice’s inpatient facility for a few weeks to help with symptom control and then transferred to another care setting once they’re stable enough.

As patients near the end of their lives, they may be re-admitted for inpatient hospice care. It’s crucial to understand that if your loved one’s disease does not progress as predicted at this point, you may be advised to seek alternative care, such as in a care home.

Oasis Hospice is the best hospice for cancer patients. Do you want to learn about cholangiocarcinoma palliative care? Then read out another post. For further information, you can call (708) 564-4838.