Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie

Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie

Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie is the largest island in the archipelago of protected areas that make up the Chicago Wilderness. It includes a diverse range of species and natural processes typical of the region’s tallgrass prairies, including the reintroduction of bison.

The Midewin is a compelling vision for landscape-scale restoration because it transforms a landscape dominated by rusting munitions factories and abandoned ammunition bunkers into 20,283-acre pristine tallgrass prairie.

The Midewin Welcome Center is a tranquil space with pleasant nature sounds on a recording and colorful interpretive signs highlighting the land’s cultural and natural history. Visitors to the Welcome Center will learn more about Midewin’s history, mission, and restoration efforts.

Those interested in learning about or viewing the bison should start here to learn more about the Bison Project and explore the bison boxes. Glaciers, Wetland Habitats, Prairie Habitats, Wildlife that Inhabits Wetlands and Prairies, Ghosts of the Prairie, and the Midewin Area Timeline are among the displays at the Welcome Center. From April to October, the Welcome Center offers a variety of programs and tours. People also love to visit Pilcher Park Nature Center so read more about it before visiting. Contact Oasis hospice for your loved ones because it’s also in Joliet, il. Contact them at 708-564-4838.