Apart from various types of skin cancer, colorectal cancer is the third most frequently diagnosed type of cancer in both men and women. Oasis Hospice &Palliative Care.Inc provides the best hospice care for cancer in Chicago. The term “colorectal cancer” applies to both colon and rectal cancer. The American Cancer Society reports that over 90,000 new instances of colon cancer and over 39,000 new cases of rectal cancer were diagnosed in the United States in 2016.
Colorectal Cancer Deaths
Not only is colorectal cancer the third most frequently diagnosed type of cancer (excluding skin cancer), but it is also the third-highest cause of death from cancer when men and women are assessed separately. When men and women are combined, it is considered the second-highest cause of mortality from all types of cancer in the United States. According to some projections, colon cancer will claim over 49,000 lives in 2016.
Managing Colorectal Cancer
Regardless of the type, a cancer diagnosis is frightening and life-altering, and colorectal cancer is no exception. Following a diagnosis of colorectal cancer, you will feel a range of emotions. Fear, anxiety, and depression are normal human responses to this type of catastrophic diagnosis. If you have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer, it is critical to take each day as it comes and to rely on your family and friends for support. While communicating your diagnosis and feeling can be extremely tough, reaching out is worth trying.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to communicating your diagnosis; in fact, there are numerous approaches. You may choose to inform only your inner group or the entire community.
Keeping A More Regular Routine
Maintaining an individual’s pre-diagnosis lifestyle will be challenging. Maintaining specific components of daily life, on the other hand, can be a helpful coping method. When patients with colorectal cancer are not experiencing distressing symptoms such as fatigue or a range of other side effects, engaging in typical activities helps patients maintain a sense of normalcy. Patients may continue to shop, attend a movie, or conduct other errands as usual. Another helpful recommendation is for people living with colorectal cancer to join a cancer support group in their region if one is available. How to survive colon cancer? What is colon cancer hospice?
Cancer Has The Potential To Affect Every Aspect Of Daily Life
Regrettably, cancer can infiltrate many facets of daily life. This includes interactions with a spouse, children, and employers. This is expected, as all parties may be unfamiliar with cancer. When patients with colorectal cancer become aware that they are being treated differently, this can have emotional and psychological consequences. As previously said, it is common and natural for cancer patients to experience depression or overwhelm due to their current circumstances.
However, if distressing emotional feelings become a source of pressure or interfere with everyday living, it may be prudent to consult a professional. Additionally, some patients choose to keep a personal journal to manage their emotions constructively.
Treatment for Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer is frequently treated with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of the two. These are severe treatments with significant side effects. Unusual symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and hair loss are possible and frequently occur. Patients cope with these symptoms in unique ways. Naturally, some women are distraught at the prospect of losing their hair completely; however, there are excellent resources available to help patients feel more comfortable with their daily appearances, such as specifically fitted wigs and makeup.
In some situations, a condition is known as “chemo brain” may occur. This is a worrying yet transient syndrome resulting in momentary memory loss. Patients should keep in mind that, while these treatments may seem frightening at first, they will be able to adapt and learn as time passes.
Developing Relationships With Your Oncology Team
Patients with colorectal cancer (like any other type of cancer) will naturally build a strong bond with their oncology team. This can be advantageous for the patient, who will discover that their oncology team is a valuable resource. They are also a supportive, encouraging community. Open communication is critical in this relationship, and patients should constantly convey their problems to their physicians to receive the most effective care possible.
Identifying When Treatment Has Completed Its Course
Although it may be difficult to imagine, a patient may reach a point where they begin to assess their treatment alternatives. Each cycle of treatment is highly taxing on the body and mind of a colorectal cancer patient. If a patient has attempted multiple treatments with no success, it may be time to refocus their treatment goals on improving comfort and quality of life. The patient can only take this decision after discussing with their attending physician in the middle of pain, nausea, and emotional discouragement.
The Initial Diagnosis Is The Most Effective
Generally, research indicates that the initial therapy is the most beneficial. The treatment’s objective is to eradicate all cancer cells and prevent their recurrence. However, if tumor growth continues following numerous treatments, additional treatment’s likelihood decreases. This general rule applies to cancers with solid tumors, such as colon cancer. It is critical for patients with colorectal cancer to discuss the long-term benefits of treatment with their physician.
When Is It Appropriate To Stop Cancer Treatment?
However, if a patient’s cancer has continued to grow or spread despite exhausting all other treatment choices, further treatment may not help them feel better or live longer. Indeed, pursuing additional treatment may result in substantial adverse effects that significantly impair a patient’s quality of life and, in rare situations, may even result in death.
While this may be a difficult decision, focusing on improving the patient’s comfort and quality of life may allow them to have more pleasant days during their remaining time.
Hospice Care and Life Quality
Hospice care is a kind of palliative care that focuses on improving patients’ overall quality of life through appropriate symptom control. Hospice and palliative care for colon and rectal cancer patients go beyond physical symptom treatment and assist patients in better managing their mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. Hospice care is a specialized type of care that is not curative, but it can improve a patient’s quality of life while assisting their family. This enables patients and families to make the most of their remaining time together. The critical point to remember is that the choice is entirely yours. You can contact hospice for cancer near me. For more information call (708) 564-4838.