Where is hospice care given?

Where is hospice care given? A hospice service like Oasis Hospice care of Chicago is responsible for providing hospice care. A team of health care professionals from the hospice service will collaborate with the patient’s primary caregiver (usually a family member) to provide care and support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Who […]

Hospice Care – When is the Right Time?

Oasis Hospice & Palliative Care

Nobody wants to consider losing someone they care for. As a result, many families put off discussing end-of-life or hospice treatment. If you’re wondering when to call hospice, it’s possible that your loved one is already qualified for this additional layer of advanced treatment and hospice support. Even if your loved one is not currently […]

What Is Hospice and Is it Time for You

So, what is Hospice Care? Hospice is described as: Medical care and treatment that enables a person with a terminal illness to live as comfortably as possible for as long as possible while also improving their quality of life. Hospice care involves an interdisciplinary team of practitioners who concentrate on the dying person and their […]

Hospice Care Vs Palliative Care? What is Right For Your Loved One?

Oasis Hospice & Palliative Care

Many Americans die in institutions such as hospitals or nursing homes, where their wishes are not respected. To avoid this, older people should be aware of their end-of-life care choices and communicate their wishes to their caregivers ahead of time. If an elderly person expresses a desire to die at home, receiving end-of-life care for […]